Saturday, November 21, 2015

Transgender Day of Remembrance

My wife and I attended a TDoR service last night.  If you don't know what that is, it's a service held on Nov. 20 of each year to remember those who have died from violence simply because they are transgender.  In the U.S. 22 trans women died this past year, almost double the number from the three previous years.  But here is a really cruel statistic.  In Brazil, 66 trans people were killed this past year that are known about.  Including a 16 year old, and a 24 year old and a woman of unknown age who were all stoned to death!  Including an 18 year old in Sao Paulo beaten to death by police. Including a 15 year old who was shot, a 13 year old who was beaten and stabbed multiple times.  This is in a country that is promoting itself lately on how progressive it is.  A country hosting the 2016 Olympics.  So, want to do some activism?  See if you can energize your local GLBT community to write to both NBC or at least your local affiliate to demand their news section point out the murder rate in Brazil.  Sure people will say that won't work but we never know until we try.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Who I Am

I'm Beverly, a transgender person who has been able to cope with those feelings most of my life. Whenever my gender dysphoria would  raise it's head in the past, I've always been able to beat it back down.  Lately however, the dysphoria has been kicking my butt and it looks like I'm going to have to start seeing my therapist again.  So anyway, just wanted to put something on here so that if, on the off chance, anyone should find it, they will know who I am.
